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ABLAZE 4 JESUS Ministries depends upon the generous gifts of like-minded Christ-followers, businesses, and church ministries. Our financial plan is to ask God and tell His people. ABLAZE 4 JESUS is a faith-based, independent, Baptist ministry established for the sole purposes of church planting, reaching kids for Christ and training people to reach kids and adults for Christ. We know that you are concerned about how your money is spent so in order to be an effective steward of God's finances 100% of your giving goes directly to the ministry of reaching kids for Christ. This ministry is independently audited every year to provide you with peace of mind that you know your donations are going to the promised place. For more information on our financial accountability please contact our office today. 

You  partnering with  Ablaze  4  Jesus  Ministries  reaches  people for  Jesus Christ!

Thank you for helping us Reach People For Christ!

Donating to ABLAZE 4 JESUS Ministry is as simple as clicking a button. 

Secure online giving is done 

through PayPal.

You don't have to

have a PayPal

account to give.

Click the button 

to the right and follow the PayPal directions. Your gift is very appreciated!

You may also give securely through Zelle, Cash App, Venmo, and Facebook. Our ministry user name is $HeartsAblaze4Jesus

You can donate with check by sending to the address below. 

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button


Call us:

(814) 547-3064  

Contact us: 

137 S Courtenay Parkway

Unit # 543

Merritt Island, FL 32952

© 2016-2025 by Ablaze 4 Jesus Ministries created with

Physical Location: 

166 Center Street

Suite # 229

Cape Canaveral, FL 32920

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